2024-2025 LES Parent Handbook

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Please be advised that we have a safety program that involves contacting parents at their home or place of work to validate an absentee if we have not been informed of the absence. The best way to report an absence is by emailing lesattendance@guilderlandschools.net. You can also report an absence to the main office at 518-355-7930 or the health office directly at extension 6106.

Automated Attendance System

In the event the school has not received communication from a parent regarding a student’s absence by 9:30 a.m., a phone message will automatically be sent to contact information on file in eSchool. The message will ask the parent to contact the school. Phone message attempts will stop as soon as a call is answered or a message is left. If you wish to review your contact information, please visit the parent portal and make any desired changes.

How to report an absence

You can report an absence by:

By using one of these two methods, we can ensure the information gets put in the system in a timely manner, and therefore not getting an automated call in error.

Main Office Staff

The school secretaries who work in the main office are Ms. Nicole Pavone and Mrs. Beth Ruggiero. The phone number for the main office is (518) 355-7930. They can also be reached via email at:
pavonen@guilderlandschools.net and ruggieroe@guidlerlandschools.net


Quality instructional time is our priority. Education law sections 3205 requires that students attend school every day unless excused. We strongly believe that children learn best in the educational setting. While children sometimes must miss school for a variety of excused reasons (i.e. illness, bereavement, religious observance), there are a growing number of children who are missing school for unexcused reasons (i.e. vacations). It is not possible for teachers to prepare work in advance to make up for such an absence. The instructional experience children miss during an unexcused absence often cannot be made up upon their return to schools. Teachers, at their discretion, may suggest alternate assignments in relation to the duration and nature of the absence (i.e. journal writing/travel logs, practice of math facts).

Obviously, we discourage unexcused absences. Our goal is to provide the best possible instructional opportunities for all children as they work to attain higher standards. Thank you for your cooperation in taking family vacations during school vacations, and in making school attendance a priority.


While each classroom has their own behavior management system, Lynnwood is committed to providing a safe and positive place to learn. Students and parents are committed to following the work of the Positivity Project and the Other People Mindset by:
● Seeing and appreciating the good in others
● Knowing my words and actions affect others
● Supporting others when they are struggling
● Cheering on another person’s success
● Giving others our attention and staying present

The board of education also re-adopts a Code of Conduct on an annual basis. The full text of the current Guilderland Central School District Code of Conduct can be found at: https://www.guilderlandschools.org/about-us/district-code-of-conduct/.

School Hours

  • Student drop off begins at 7:30 a.m.
  • Instructional time begins at 7:55 a.m. This means that any student arriving after 7:55 a.m. will be marked tardy.
  • Dismissal from school is 2:05 p.m.

Please note that if students arrive late and are signed out early on a regular basis, this results in significant loss of instructional time.


Students have the option to take their assigned bus to school or to be driven to and from school.

Riding the School Bus

The school bus will pick up your child outside of your home or at a bus stop near your home. Transportation will provide you with specific information before the start of the school year. The bus will drop off your child at the same bus stop in the afternoon. Please note, as with the morning, a designated stop is not always at your front door. For your child’s safety, the bus driver will not let your child off the bus unless an adult is waiting. If you have any questions, you
can call the transportation office at (518) 861-6434.

Driving your Child

You may also decide to drive your child to and from school. You should drop off your child at the front entrance. Drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. Do not drop off your child earlier than that as we do not have staff available to supervise students before 7:30 a.m. Adults will be outside in the drop off loop to help students exit the car and cross to the main entrance. Drivers can either park
their car and walk their children to the crosswalk, or they can drive through the drop off loop and a staff member will help your child cross at the crosswalk to the main entrance.

If you are picking up your child at regular dismissal time, you will need to get a pick up tag for your car and wait in the pick up line. Staff will bring students out and help them into your car. Adults should not exit their vehicle. In August, the school will send parents information on how to indicate if you are going to pick your child up from school regularly and how to get a pick up tag for your car.

If you are picking your child up before dismissal, you will need to park your car and come to the main office to show your ID and sign your child out.

If there are any changes to your child’s regular dismissal routine, we ask that you notify the front office by noon that day.

Signing out your child before 2:05 p.m.

To pick up your child during the school day, please send a note to the classroom teacher to let them know when you will be arriving. Sign your child out at the Main office on the dismissal clipboard. The office staff will contact the classroom teacher and your child will come to the Main Office. Please be prepared with a picture ID. We try to know all of our parents, but are not familiar with all adults picking up children. If someone else is picking up your child, please indicate their name in the note sent to school.

If you are picking your child up early, you will need to be at the main office PRIOR to 1:45 p.m.

Changes in Dismissal Plan

Unless we receive written instruction from a parent/guardian, we will follow their regular dismissal plan each day. Please let your classroom teacher or the main office know of any changes occurring in the regular routine.


In order to enhance the learning process, all students are expected to dress in clothes that do not cause disruption to the orderly management of a school environment conducive to learning. Students are required to wear rubber-soled sneakers to physical education classes (no heels or cleats).

Outside play is a priority for our students. Weather permitting, students will be outside during the course of the school day. Please be sure to send in weather appropriate clothes each day. Learning can also be messy, especially for our younger learners. Please send in an extra pair of clothes with your kindergarten student. In the winter months, please be sure to pack coats,
gloves and hats as needed.

Emergency Contact Information

We know you fill out and return many forms at the beginning of the year, and we appreciate your prompt response when sending. Please remember to notify us of any changes in emergency, home or work numbers throughout the year. It is critical that we have accurate information in order to reach you quickly in the event of an emergency.

In the event of a closure or delay, you can always access emergency school information via ParentSquare alerts or at the Guilderland website at www.guilderlandschools.org.

Grade Level Supply Lists

The current year’s supply lists can be found on the LES website. If it isn’t readily available, type in “LES Supply Lists” in the search box and check to make sure you are viewing the current year.

Click here to view current supply list!

School Social Worker

At Lynnwood, we are fortunate to have a full-time social worker. Our school social worker is Ms. Catherine Ricchetti. The purpose of a school social work program at this level is to provide support to children and to parents, in order for students to reach their full potential.

Ms. Ricchetti runs a variety of groups and support sessions to support children with success in school. Groups topics are clustered around friendship, social skills, worry, stress, anger management, and self regulation strategies. When possible she also runs short term groups called “banana-splits” for children who are experiencing family disruption (divorce, separation). Feel free to contact Ms. Ricchetti at 518-355-7930, ext. 6116, or email her at

Lunch Guests

The Lynnwood cafeteria is a place to learn and practice socialization skills as well as skills for eating in public.

  • Beginning in October, parent / guardians lunchroom guests are welcome to sign in at the main office and join their children for lunch (this provides time for students to acclimate and learn lunchroom expectations and routines). Guests are asked to limit their visits to no more than once per month as our cafeteria capacity is limited.*
  • Guests are asked to send a note at least one day before your lunch visit.
  • Parent/Guardian volunteer & visitation paperwork needs to be completed before coming to school.
  • Please do not share food with or lend money to a child other than your own.

Birthday Guidelines

      Due to food allergies, the Guilderland Central School district wellness policy, and the effort to provide equitable experiences for all, students should not bring in food or toys to share with their classmates. Instead, each teacher or team of teachers will celebrate birthdays in different ways. Information about birthday celebrations will be provided at Open House.

      Birthday invitations should not be distributed at school unless every student in the class is being invited.

      Medication Policy

      The following is the New York State and the school policy regarding medication during the school day:

      • The nurse must have a written order from a physician on file, which indicates the frequency and dosage of a prescribed medication. Please note that this documentation needs to be updated every school year; orders do not carry over each school year.
      • The nurse must have a written request from the parent/guardian in order to administer the medication as specified by the physician.
      • The medication is to be delivered directly to the nurse by the parent/guardian. Under no circumstance should the medication be delivered by the student.
      • The medication should be in a properly marked Pharmacy container. The label should include:
        • student’s full name
        • address
        • name and strength of medication
        • dosage
        • and frequency of medication

      Our school nurse, Laura Rutkowski, can be reached at (518) 355-7930, ext. 6106.

      At the end of the school year, parents/guardians are responsible for picking up the medication. Parents/Guardians will receive information from the health office as to when to pick up medication before school dismisses for the summer.

      School Hours

      Busses unload at 7:45 a.m. Dismissal is at 2:05 p.m. Students are considered tardy after 7:55 a.m.

      School Breakfast & Lunch

      Students have the option to order breakfast each day.

      Students also have the option to bring a bagged lunch from home or order a lunch from the cafeteria. There is no refrigerator or microwave for student use, so please be sure you are sending food that does not need to be kept cold or heated up. Students can also purchase snacks from the cafeteria. Students can bring in money to purchase or parents can add money to their child’s account using this website: www.schoolcafe.com.

      Menus are sent home each month by classroom teachers, and can be viewed at www.guilderlandschools.org/district-services/cafeteria-services/#menus.

      Use of Personal Electronic Devices

      The school understands the value of a student’s ability to gain information through electronic devices. At Lynnwood, we see the use of technology as an effective and essential means to support student access to the elementary curriculum. Therefore, students are provided access to district issued devices throughout each school day. These devices include, but are not limited to iPads, chromebooks, chrome tablets, and desktop computers. The purpose of this policy is to offer clear guidelines on the use and possession of personal electronic devices for students.

      At Lynnwood, we understand that many students have personal electronic devices such as cell phones, personal computers, hand held entertainment systems, smart watches, portable internet devices, digital cameras and video recorders. We acknowledge the increasing role these devices play in communication and entertainment as well as family situations that may
      require students to transport personal devices to and from school for the purpose of communication. We do, however, feel that the unregulated use of personal electronic devices at school can be detrimental to the education process and can create safety and social issues. Therefore, it is recommended that these devices are not brought to school.*

      However, if a student does bring a device to school, they will need to follow the below guidelines:

      • All electronic devices should be shut off at all times on school property, including buses.
      • Devices should only be stored in backpacks and lockers
      • No picture taking or recording is allowed without prior school permission

      We also want to remind students and families that all communication during the school day should be done through the main office. School will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal electronic devices brought on school property, and school can not devote resources to the investigation of such occurrences. Families who choose to send in personal electronic devices with their child will be doing so at their own risk.

      Should a student violate the school policy regarding personal electronic device use, or should the code of conduct be violated, the following actions may be taken:

      • Confiscation of the device which may require a parent to retrieve the device from the office
      • Student may be prohibited from possession of the electronic devices at school

      As always, we encourage families to speak to their children about proper use of electronics and good digital citizenship.

      *Students who have the use of personal electronic devices as part of an individualized education plan will be permitted to use the device in accordance with the plan.

      Adopted by Building Cabinet on 2/28/2022


      All visitors are required to report directly to the main office upon entering the building. All visitors must have a copy of their license/photo ID on file. Visitors will sign-in and will be given a visitors badge/sticker. This step is in no way intended to limit your visits or active involvement. This procedure has been instituted to ensure that we know who is in the building during the school day. When visiting school, please do not park in the fire lanes in front of school. This area MUST be kept open at all times in case of an emergency.

      Please drop off sneakers, forgotten lunches, musical instruments, notes, homework, etc. to the secretaries in the main office. They will gladly see that the item is delivered to the classroom as classrooms will not be interrupted during instructional time.


      The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by the Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.