Course fees
Continuing education course fees vary as outlined in course descriptions. Payment for all courses must be submitted at the time of registration as either a check or money order. Please do not send cash. Payment may also be made electronically. All senior citizens residing in the Guilderland Central School District and who have reached the age of 60 will be permitted to enroll in most continuing education courses at a 50% discount. Please review our “Senior citizens policy” for more information.
- To pay by check, please print a CE registration form, fill it out and mail it in with payment to:
Attn: Julie Adamec
Continuing Education, GCSD
P.O. Box 18
Guilderland Center, NY 12085-0018 - To pay by credit card, please visit
Registration procedures
There are no telephone registrations. To register for a continuing education class, complete a registration form and return it with payment-in-full by the registration deadline. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Guilderland Central School District.
Completed forms along with payment should also be mailed to:
Attn: Julie Adamec
Continuing Education, GCSD
P.O. Box 18
Guilderland Center, NY 12085-0018
Confirmation of classes
You will NOT receive confirmation of registration, and will only be notified if the selected course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment. In that case, you will receive notification by telephone and will receive a complete refund by mail.
Class times and locations
Most continuing education classes meet once a week, between 6 to 10 p.m., and last up to ten weeks. Classes are held at Guilderland High School. Exceptions, if any, will be noted in individual class descriptions.
Refund policy
Your continuing education program is a self-sustaining program with all expenses paid out of registration fees. It is necessary to cancel a class if enrollment does not support the cost of the course and checks will be returned. No refunds, therefore may be given after classes have started. If a registrant cancels prior to the start of the first class, a refund, less a $10 cancellation fee, will be given. No refunds will be given for one or two-night courses after registration closes. Please be advised that refunds can take three to four weeks. No school credit is given for any course.
Cancelled Classes
Whenever Guilderland district schools are closed for the day due to inclement weather, or for other emergency reasons, classes will not meet that night. Find out where closings and delays will be posted.
Senior citizens policy
All senior citizens who reside in the Guilderland Central School District and have reached the age of 60 will be permitted to enroll in most continuing education courses at a 50% discount. Senior citizens must check the senior citizens’ “YES” box on the mail-in registration form and present their senior citizen card the first evening of class. Information regarding senior citizen cards may be obtained at the Guilderland Town Hall. Senior citizens may not displace any other residents of the district who may have enrolled in a course. Senior citizens will be required to pay the full registration fee if that fee is needed to maintain self-sufficiency. Courses followed by an asterisk in the course catalog cannot be offered as discounted courses.